About Me

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Yuba City, CA, United States
For over 24 years Edward C. Han Sr., MBS, DD has been a Bible teacher to youth and adults at his local church, Lakeview Assembly, Stockton, CA. He studied with Golden State School of Theology. Ed is a Personal Financial Representative in his community, where he has raised his family with his wife Lorri. He is passionate about discipleship training for new believers as he heads up Lakeview Bible Institute; and market place ministry as President of the Stockton Chapter of Business Men's Fellowship. For information on seminars, workshops and speaking engagements, please contact Ed Han at edhan362@yahoo.com

Saturday, May 9, 2009


There are miracles everywhere that need to tell their story of the life changing power of Jesus Christ. Let these excerpts from my life inspire you to share what the Lord has done for you!

At nine years old, I was seated second row from the back with my mother at church. The minister was presenting a chalk talk about Jesus’ crucifixion at Mount Calvary. When the lighting changed, from the drawing of that rugged hill appeared a portrait of the Savior, Jesus Christ. The minister asked if anyone wanted to receive Christ for salvation. Something struck me deep inside. I didn’t know much at that young age, but I knew I was a sinner and I needed a savior. I raised my hand in response to his invitation, but he didn’t see me. Driving home in the family’s VW van on that summer Sunday morning in 1971, I asked my mother, “What do you do after you raise your hand?” As soon as we got home, she took me in the back room, sat me on the end of the bed, and explained God’s love for me in sending His Son to suffer and die that I might be saved. Then she led me in a prayer to receive Christ as my Savior. I experienced an immediate change deep in my conscience, as I became aware of the still small voice of the Spirit guiding me.

My father was furious when he heard the news. “A boy can’t understand that kind of commitment!” But day by day he began to witness a life that was truly changed by the power of God. He began to see it in my servant’s heart and loving attitude. About a year later my parents divorced. I felt confused, but not alone. I hungered for fellowship with God, and prayed every day to draw closer to him. In the summer months I would hop on my bike and ride to the Christian bookstore in the mall, where they had gospel tracks, Jesus pencils and non-stop Christian music playing. I would spend hours in the store. People were friendly, and I felt closer to God there than at home surrounded by my family’s crisis.

My grandparents were faithful servants of the Lord, who superintended the Gospel Rescue Mission. I was twelve when I announced to my grandmother I had been reading a New Testament Living Bible, and I felt like God was calling me into the ministry. She was quick to explain how God used Jesus to teach the teachers in the temple even at my age. “If God could use Jesus,” she proclaimed “then God can use you!” I received her words of wisdom, and made a commitment to dedicate myself to the Lord’s service.

It wasn’t long after that when my grandfather approached me saying, “The preacher for tonight’s service can’t make it. Do you want to bring the message tonight?” Before I really thought about what he was asking I said yes. The only Bible verse I really knew was John 3:16, so I read the verse a few times and prayed for the Lord to help me. That night I was nervous. When my grandfather introduced me I started in to my message. I don’t remember what I shared, but he said the longer I preached the louder I got. Three decisions for Christ were made that night. I thank God that he can use anybody – even me.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit
By the age of sixteen, I was doing everything I knew to do to serve the Lord. Taking my Bible to school, I had many opportunities to witness to teachers and students on campus every day. When summer rolled around I hooked up with a school friend and we started a visitation ministry in our youth group. We were so thrilled with how God was using us to minister that we stopped by the high school for a prayer meeting. It was a summer evening and there was nobody around. As it was turning dark, we sat in the grassy quad area and prayed. I think I spoke about every praise phrase I knew, expressing my heartfelt thanks to the Lord. When I said the “amen,” my friend began to pray. While he was talking to the Lord, the Lord was talking to me. “Did you say everything you wanted to say?” To be honest, there was more in me than I had the ability to express. I felt like a bottle, sealed tight and all shaken up with carbonation, just waiting to explode. Then the Spirit of the Lord spoke again in a whisper from within me, “I have a gift for you.” A Bible verse immediately came to mind “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26). Then I knew what He was talking about. As soon as my friend was through praying, I asked him to pray for me to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

He took my hands and prayed. Then he began to speak over me in a language I couldn’t understand. That same still small voice spoke to me again, “Speak this sound and I will give you the rest.” The Spirit gave me a short “i” sound. I felt foolish to speak it out, but I stepped out in faith anyway. When I spoke it out a fluid language began to flow from me. In a matter of seconds I was singing in a language I had never learned. It was dark out now and my eyes were closed. But inwardly I was being flood with light. I walked away from that experience with a peace and joy in the Lord I had never known before.

I can only say that from that moment on the power of the Holy Spirit began to operate in my life. I can’t say what happens to others, but for me, when I received the power of the Spirit all of the gifts of the Spirit became operational through me. I could tell stories about how every one of the gifts from I Corinthians 12:8-10 began to function in me as the Spirit led.

Street Evangelism
Hanging out with a friend one night, shortly after I had received the Spirit’s power, we drove down the Avenue where the young people would cruise. He suggested we get out on the street and witness to them about Christ. I had shared my faith many times, but going out on the rough streets was a new experience. We parked at a fast-food place and prayed. We grabbed our Bibles and headed down the street. It seem like the street was full of youth, but when we walked down the street no one was out. We crossed the street and headed back, and I thought we were home free, when we encountered a group of partying teens. I took about three steps in front of my friend and walked right on by. Basically, I chickened out. When my friend pasted them, one guy yelled out, “Hey, is that a Bible in your hand?” My friend froze. He looked at me, than looked at them. Then he turned around and followed me.

We got back to the car, and it was quiet all the way home. We parked in front of my house, and then broke down weeping and praying for God to give us boldness to reach our generation for Christ. In our failure God emboldened us with a commission to take that street for Christ. For the next two years we went out faithfully every Friday night, and took many more friends with us to reach out to lost young people in our city. Some lives where changed for Christ, but mostly we were changed as we realized God was able to use us if we were willing to serve.

Business –Yellow Pages
I’d been in the ministry for twelve years, but had no business experience, when my wife and I had an opportunity to acquire a yellow page publication. I had worked in sales with the publisher a year and a half when he was going to sell one of his directories. He accepted our offer, and we were soon to be in business. About two weeks prior to launching out on our own, the boss said, “I can’t sell the book.” At this news my heart sank. He went on to explain, “But you are the only one who knows. At the distribution of my last book, I am going to send out thank you letters to our clients. All you have to do is send a follow up letter explaining you are the new phone book in town, and pick up where I left off.” He wasn’t selling the phone directory to us. He was giving it to us.

We did as he instructed and God blessed us beyond our expectations. I asked God why He would honor us in such a way. I believe He said it was His gift to us for years of faithful service for Him. At that point we felt lead to do something we had never done before. We began to tithe in faith, not what we earned from advertising sales, but rather tithe based in what we needed. This we did for our first full year in business. Our revenue doubled over the next five years. It was at that time that another publisher offered to buy the phone book for ten times what the original published offered to sell it to us for. We believe God honored His Word of blessing in putting Him first in our business. We have since carried these lessons with us into our insurance business and other ministry endeavors.

I was just coming out of a dry season in my spiritual life. I have always tried to be faithful and committed in the Lord’s service. My wife’s sister had a word from the Lord for us. “New beginnings. New ministry.” We graciously received it and put it on the “prayer shelf” for further consideration. Several weeks later there came a prophetic word from an evangelist who called me out during a service in an unusual way. This prophecy confirmed the first message. Then, a New Year message from another evangelist urged us to prayerfully write down the ten things God wanted to do through us in 2007. The next morning I set out to complete this task. When I wrote down number 4 “write a book,” the whole idea of it immediately began to unfold. A couple of Sunday nights later a ministry friend was our guest speaker. When I went to greet him before the service, he said, “I had a dream about you. I was with you while you were teaching, and all of a sudden light flooded the room.” These prophetic words inspired the spiritual direction for my first book.

I can’t make prophetic words come to pass, but I can prepare myself for their fulfillment, and obey the Spirit’s leading. Then I had to get to work. I have to thank my beloved wife Lorri and all of our eight children for their patient understanding, as time was taken from them to accomplish the first of many manuscripts.

My book, “Identifying God” is an introductory study especially for seekers and new believers on the nature, character and authority of the God of the Bible. I am currently working on book two, “Identifying the Believer” which should be self-published like the first book by the end of this year. May these writings bless the body of Christ, and be a legacy of our family faith and trust in Christ Jesus.

Business Men’s Fellowship
After the completion of my first self-published book, the Lord laid on my heart to get in touch with the chapter president of Business Men’s Fellowship and find out when and where the next meeting was to be held. When he explained the meetings had been disbanded, I told him we had to get started again, because the Lord told me to get involved. We then began to contact the business people that we knew to gather them together and share the vision. BMF is thriving in a down economy and a hard hit community, because God’s plan is to “prosper … and to give us a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

During a prayer retreat with BMF leadership, the Lord laid something new on my heart. “Take another business man and go for a prayer walk in one of the business districts.” The first one that came to mind was the Avenue I use to witness on when I was a teenager, known as “the Miracle Mile.” With Answer Magazines in hand we walk and pray from storefront to storefront each week, simple introducing ourselves thus … “I’m Ed and this is Jack. We are with the Business Men’s Fellowship. We are not selling anything. But is there anything we can pray with you about?” Business people have been warm and inviting when they realize we have come to bring hope to a hurting community. We have prayed with people in their stores and on the streets to know the Lord and for God to help meet their needs.

We’ve got a lot to give, and this is the time when people are open and they need it the most. We have “The Answer” that people are looking for. Thank you for the privilege of share God’s grace and power to use me, as he wants to use you, too.

To be continued ...