About Me

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Yuba City, CA, United States
For over 24 years Edward C. Han Sr., MBS, DD has been a Bible teacher to youth and adults at his local church, Lakeview Assembly, Stockton, CA. He studied with Golden State School of Theology. Ed is a Personal Financial Representative in his community, where he has raised his family with his wife Lorri. He is passionate about discipleship training for new believers as he heads up Lakeview Bible Institute; and market place ministry as President of the Stockton Chapter of Business Men's Fellowship. For information on seminars, workshops and speaking engagements, please contact Ed Han at edhan362@yahoo.com

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Two Kinds of Storms

Jesus said, "Peace be still." Those words in the midst of that tempestuous moment must have calmed more than the wind and the waves. Albert Barnes puts in this way, "There is something exceedingly authoritative and majestic in this command of our Lord. Standing amidst the howling tempest, on the heaving sea, and in the darkness of the night, by his own power he stills the waves, and bids the storm subside. None but the God of the storms and the billows could awe, by a word, the troubled elements, and send a universal peace and stillness among the winds and waves. He must, therefore, be Divine." Words can have their meanings and definitions, but when the "Word made Flesh" speaks with such commanding authority, all of the kingdom must bow, in heaven, on earth and under the earth. Light and darkness stand at attention. Even so must the very fear and anxiety within us bow to the calming command of the One who set the very stars in their places, and ordered the sun to rule the day, and the darkness to rule the night. In one moment Peter and the other disciple are questioning if the Master even cares for their well being as the stormy sea batters the little boat and slaps them coldly in the face. In the next moment another kind of chill shuddered their souls as their sea of doubt turns to humble tranquil surrender in the wake of the absolute Lordship of Christ...:

People's New Testament Commentary adds, "Such an astounding display of power, the control of the storm in which men are as helpless as infants, filled them with awe. What manner of being could he be whom storm, wind, and sea obeyed? They had not yet learned that the word which the sea obeyed was the word in obedience to which the world itself was made." Is it any wonder that these same fear filled disciple burst out of that upper room on that great day of Pentecost as the men who "turned the world upside down?" This same Jesus, who arrested the wind and the waves on that day, is the very same Spirit of Christ who released the rushing mighty wind that filled the place where they were sitting, with cloven tongues of fire that consumed their timidity and turned them into the Apostles of the New Covenant!

In our past, we have lived in the bondages of fear, anxiety, timidity and doubt. We have now been empowered by the same Holy Spirit who enables us to break free from the controlling influences of our past, and go forth, living the rest of our lives in power and love and a sound mind of the Spirit of peace! Jesus in the Prince of peace! Jesus is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords! He is Lord of all, and He is Lord of the storms of my life!

Read my book, "IDENTIFYING GOD". To order a copy, or for more information contact me at edhan362@yahoo.com